Power BI deployment pipelines integration with Azure DevOps
✔According to the latest octobre #PowerBI updates, the #deployment_pipelines_APIs are now in GA: Power BI includes now a new set of APIs that enables Power BI developers to create and manage pipelines through APIs, also they can manage #PowerBI content in their #DevOps tools without having to open #PowerBI.
✔In order to better manage CI/CD processes in Azure DevOps, customers can start managing their #PowerBI releases from the same platform.
They can now create #PowerBI deployment pipelines from scratch, making the full usage and on boarding automated.
✔This automation makes it very easy to create a deployment pipelines, assign workspaces to the pipeline then deploy across the stages.
We can also upload a new PBIX file to the Power BI pipeline and deploy it automatically into the development, test and production environments.
#automation #azure #development #pipli #pipelines #devops #powerbi #admin #deploy #release